كورس تعليم اللغة الانجليزية
Real Listening and Speaking 2 + CD 94.5 MB

رابط التحميل من هنا http://file.up09.com/685y3qq0y6ve
تم اضافة الكورس بواسطة المبدع " اسلام يحيى "
Coors English language teaching
Real Listening and Speaking 2 + CD
size 94.5 MB
The course is characterized by its
ability to develop the skills of adults and young learners of English can
develop the skills they need to use the English language with confidence
wherever they are - at home, at work, traveling, studying or just in social
situations with friends through four levels. The course contains a book, along
with 98 audio lesson.
download link http://file.up09.com/685y3qq0y6ve